
Homeowners Insurance

Tips for Saving money on your Home Insurance

As we start into a new year, we hope you’re staying warm and having some fun playing out in the snow. This is a great time to talk about how to save on your home insurance. It’s also a perfect opportunity to review all your insurance coverages and potential needs with your insurance agent. Here…

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Strategies for a Hassle Free Property Insurance Claim

As we approach the new year, I believe it is beneficial to look at strategies for filing hassle-free property claims. Familiarize Yourself with Your Insurance Coverage: Set up a meeting with your agent to talk through disaster scenarios that may be unique to your property. Reviewing your coverages to verify its sufficiency if a peril…

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Spotting and preventing fires at Home

Wildfires have become a daily news segment and are being shown all around the country. But, closer to home, do we ever consider what fire hazards are and how we can prevent them? Let’s take a look at some of those hazards and how we can stop them! Electrical fires are on the rise. According…

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My dog would never bite anyone! But what if it does?

Dog playing tug a war with an owner

“My sweet dog would never bite anyone. It can be loud and bark, but it would never bite or hurt anyone.” Don’t we all think this about our pets? But what if a unique situation occurred – maybe even one where your dog felt threatened or scared – and your pet did bite or injure…

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Why Has My Home Insurance Premium Increased So Much?

Let’s talk about a topic that might be causing some concern: the significant increase in home insurance premiums. If you’re among the many homeowners shocked by this rise, you might wonder why it’s happening. Several key trends and factors are driving up the overall cost of coverage. So, let’s break them down. Inflation, Cost of…

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